How to go to Chisinau (Kishinev) Moldov from Odessa by taxi

By plane
Flights from Chisinau Kishinev to Odessa, olanes from Moldova to Ukraine
Dear travellers, if you, staying in Ukraine, decided to fly to Chisinau (Kishinev), Moldova, you need see this picture. It is a map of flights from Chisinau (Kishinev), Moldova (was taken from There no any flights from Moldova to Ukraine. You may fly to Moldova from Europe, from Turkey, from Russia, but not from Ukraine. See another way.

By bus

Bus timetable ( has alot of busses from any point of Ukraine to Moldova. All of them go via Odessa bus station. The distance from Odessa to Chisinau (Kishinev) is about 200 km. Regular bus will take you in about 6 (!) hours. Why? Because you will go through 2 borders: Ukraine-Transnistria (Pridnestrovie) and Transnistria (Pridnestrovie)-Moldova. Your charges will be: bus ticket from Odessa to Chisinau about 10-12$ and customs charges - about 20$.

By train

Train timetable ( has alot of trains to Chisinau (Kishinev), but they dont go via Odessa. They go by Mogilyov-Podolskiy (western Ukraine).

Maybe taxi?

Taxi from Odessa to Chisinau Kishinev transfer
If you dont want to depend on bus/train timetable and you value your time and nerves we can offer you taxi from Odessa to Chisinau (Kishinev). Our comfortable car with professional driver will take you Chisinau (Kishinev) in about 4 hours (including customs).

How to go to Kherson from Odessa

Transportation from Odessa to Kherson. Taxi Odessa Kherson. Odessa airport transfer to Kherson

The distance from Odessa to Kherson more than 205 km. The road by taxi from Odessa Kherson will take about 3-3,5 hours. It depends on traffic, weather and problems on Nikolaev bridge. Our service will take you directly to your hotel or apartment in Kherson.

If you dont want to pay for taxi from Odessa to Kherson - take taxi to Odessa bus station. Bus Odessa-Kherson (or minibus - marshrutka) costs 50-60 grivnas.

If you have alot of luggage take the regular bus. It is slow but it has luggage spaces. Marshrutka (minibus) more fast, but usually it doesn’t have luggage space. You will kill alot of time, but you will arrive to Kherson after 6-7 hours. Bus or minibus will take you to Kherson bus station where you will take taxi to your hotel or apartment in Kherson.

A lot of clients who wanted to visited Kherson from Odessa asked me about train. Frankly speaking it is the most long way. The road trip will take about 5-6(!) hours.

- train Odessa – Zaporojie starts about 2 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 9 p.m.
- train Odessa – Simferopol starts about 7 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 1 a.m. next day
- train Odessa – Dnepropetrovsk starts about 10 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 3 a.m. next day
(all info about that trains was taken from – website of Ukrainian Railway, please don’t forget to chek trains timetable before your trip)

P.S. But if you dont have any time for waiting plane/train/bus or would like to go from Odessa to Kherson as soon as possible, ask us about taxi from Odessa to Kherson. You will have comfortable car with a professional driver.

Kherson apartments for daily rent as alternative to hotels

Kherson apartments for daily rent alternative Kherson hotels
Today it is getting easier to travel around the Ukraine and to visit different parts of it with different aims. Kherson is an old city with a lot of interesting places worth to see. The city has been founded as a military fortress but the first of human settlement appeared in Kherson region in X-V centuries B.H. Kherson museums will help you to learn more about the history of Kherson and Kherson region, Kherson parks, bars and clubs will give possibility to have interesting time with your friends or beloved person.

In spite of the aim you will arrive in the city you need an apartment in it. Of course it is possible to book a room in hotel, but hotel's room isn't good for those who want to be free and who want to have possibility to live in any part of the city. The best choice for those who want to have possibility not to register in a hotel is a rented apartment, as well as for those who want to have possibility to come and to go away any part of a day or night.

Kherson apartments for daily rent are in the central part of Kherson and it is possible to choose the one that will be more comfortable for you. Such apartment will give you possibility to invite guests and to cook dishes you like by yourself. Kherson is a small city and it is hard to find there a lot of hotels with a high level of comfort with good heating in winter and other things than have to make your travel comfortable and give you only positive emotions. All apartments for daily rent in Kherson are equipped with air-conditioners and comfortable furniture. The majority of flats for hire that are represented on our site have internet connection that will let you to stay in contact with your friends and colleagues.

The large selection of Kherson apartments for daily rent have different prices and levels will help you to find the apartment you will feel yourself very comfortable. Of course it is impossible to bring your home everywhere around the world, but it is possible to use our service and to hire an apartment that will be your home for some time and you will have a place in a unknown city that will be your home and will give you all you need in order to enjoy your travel and being in Kherson.

P.S. See also Kherson apartments for daily rent from