How to go to Kherson from Odessa
The distance from Odessa to Kherson more than 205 km. The road by taxi from Odessa Kherson will take about 3-3,5 hours. It depends on traffic, weather and problems on Nikolaev bridge. Our service will take you directly to your hotel or apartment in Kherson.
If you dont want to pay for taxi from Odessa to Kherson - take taxi to Odessa bus station. Bus Odessa-Kherson (or minibus - marshrutka) costs 50-60 grivnas.
If you have alot of luggage take the regular bus. It is slow but it has luggage spaces. Marshrutka (minibus) more fast, but usually it doesn’t have luggage space. You will kill alot of time, but you will arrive to Kherson after 6-7 hours. Bus or minibus will take you to Kherson bus station where you will take taxi to your hotel or apartment in Kherson.
A lot of clients who wanted to visited Kherson from Odessa asked me about train. Frankly speaking it is the most long way. The road trip will take about 5-6(!) hours.
- train Odessa – Zaporojie starts about 2 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 9 p.m.
- train Odessa – Simferopol starts about 7 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 1 a.m. next day
- train Odessa – Dnepropetrovsk starts about 10 p.m and arrives to Kherson about 3 a.m. next day
(all info about that trains was taken from – website of Ukrainian Railway, please don’t forget to chek trains timetable before your trip)
P.S. But if you dont have any time for waiting plane/train/bus or would like to go from Odessa to Kherson as soon as possible, ask us about taxi from Odessa to Kherson. You will have comfortable car with a professional driver.